Polo9 società cooperativa sociale impresa sociale

Polo9 società cooperativa sociale impresa sociale

Name: Polo9 società cooperativa sociale impresa sociale

The cooperative operates in the third sector with a plurality of areas and services for the person (migrants, drug addicts, the elderly, minors, women victims of violence). Specifically, since 2000, it has managed a Refuge House for women and minors victims of domestic violence called Casa Rifugio Zefiro.

Contact person: Dott.ssa Simona Cardinaletti – Dott.ssa Samanta Rossini (Shelter)
Address: Piazza della Repubblica, 1/D -60121- Ancona
Phone Number: 0039 071 280 2615 / 0039 071 280 0688
Website Address: http://www.polo9.org