

Address: (Catalonia)
Korte beschrijving: Catalan Institute of Women, under the catalan autonomous government. They provide to any kind of information for women, also in cases of sexual violence.
Contact Email:
Address: They exist in every autonomous region, in several cities.
Korte beschrijving: Offices for crime victims’ support. Not exactly an organisation, but offices under the Ministry of Justice (or under the Autonomous Government, for instance, in Catalunya, Andalucía, València or Euskalherría) where victims of crimes can address to seek assistance and support.
Korte beschrijving: Help women victims of trafficking.
Telefoonnummer: Help line 24h: 607542515
Address: Street Donostia-San Sebastián, 1 – 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Korte beschrijving: The Victim Attention Service aims to provide comprehensive, coordinated and specialized care to victims as a result of crime and respond to specific needs in the legal, psychological and social fields.
Contactpersoon: Iñaki Basauri Bengoa
Telefoonnummer: 0034 94 50 19 432